Troop 1097  Gaithersburg, Germantown & N. Potomac


About Troops 1097 B/G

CLICK HERE: Troop 1097 New Scout Booklet 2017-2018 .pdf


Welcome to Troops 1097 B/G

We are happy that you and your scout are interested in our troop to start their Scouting adventure!  Troop 1097B (for boys) and Troop 1097G (for girls) meet at the same time and do activities and trips together.  There are different scoutmasters for both troops.

Troop 1097B was founded in 1963 to provide youth with a chance to develop moral strength and character, participating citizenship, and physical, mental, and emotional fitness in the context of an active outdoor program.  Troop 1097G was founded in 2022 under the same principles, and carries forward the same traditions as 1097B. 

Both Troops are based on fundamental Scout skills and traditions, an active and challenging outdoors program, and leadership development and advancement.  We operate on the premise that it is the outdoor activities that attract youth to Scouting, and not the indoor Troop meetings.  Regular outdoor activities “fuel” meaningful indoor programs as Scouts prepare to go outdoors.

We are chartered by the Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA), Rockville Chapter. While we cooperate closely with the League, and do all that we can to support its activities and facilities, membership in the League is not a prerequisite to joining the Troop.

Outings and Activities

The Scouts elected to lead each Troop (the Patrol Leaders Council) plan at least one outdoor activity per month. There is a camping activity most months. In addition, the Troop attends at least one week of summer camp each year and experienced Scouts have an opportunity to participate in a High Adventure program.

Scuba adventure

Troop Outings

Troops 1097B/G pride themselves on being active Troops. Here are some of the activities which the scout-run Patrol Leaders Council has planned for the upcoming program year:

Weekend campouts, Summer camp at Camp Liberty, white water rafting, Eagle Projects, Antietam Illumination Service Project & Campout, Klondike Derby, Whitetail skiing, Rodney Reservation Camping, caving, and more.

Klondike Derby

High Adventure

Scouts and Adult Leaders from Troops 1097 B/G may choose to participate in the Boy Scouts of America local and national High Adventure programs. Scouts must have earned their First Class rank, and be at least 13 or 14 years of age, depending on the program.

Philmont, Florida Sea Base, Northern Tier, Lenhok'sin and the new Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia are the main High Adventure programs we attend.


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What You Need

One of the first questions new parents ask is "what do I need to buy"?  So here it is:

  1. BSA Class “A” Uniform (Shirt, purple World Crest emblem, Council Patch, and Belt) – available at the Scout Store. “Experienced” uniforms may also be available from time to time from the Troop’s uniform person. Most scouts opt for the short-sleeved shirt to get the most out of it during warmer months.
  2. BSA Handbook and Sash for merit badges– also available at the Scout Store.
  3. The Troop will supply the “1097” numerals, and neckerchief when your Scout first joins the Troop.
  4. Class “B” T-shirt – For the summer meetings/outings. One or more can be purchased from the troop through the Troop’s uniform person. Since we begin wearing these at the end of the school year, you can also expect to be able to purchase them at our Family Picnic/Spring Court of Honor.

The Troop provides most of the required camping gear with the exception of a sleeping bag, and a mess kit. A plate (take-out container is perfect), plastic spoon and large mug make a fine mess kit. Most scouts also prefer to have their own packs, although the troop does have some on hand.

Sleeping bagMess kitPack

Lastly, no Scout is allowed to carry or use a knife, ax or saw at any Scout activity until they have passed the requirements for the Totin’ Chip. They can achieve this requirement during the first couple of camp-outs. After that they may carry a pocketknife.

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