Troop 1097 will once again be going to Camp Liberty at the Heritage Scout Reservation in Farmington, PA for summer camp.
At summer camp, you’ll get to know your fellow Scouts better, learn to work and cook as a patrol and earn merit badges.
This is a great opportunity to earn the aquatic merit badges such as Swimming, Canoeing, Lifesaving, Rowing or Small-Boat Sailing. For those Scouts who are ready it is perhaps the best place to earn BSA Lifeguard. Virtually all of the outdoor-related merit badges are offered including Wilderness Survival, Environmental Science, Fishing, Leatherwork, Basketry, Indian Lore, Orienteering and the Shooting and Archery Badges.
Note: some badges require work in advance in order to complete them at camp (especially the Swimming merit badge).
Driving (160 miles each way)