Mark Carvajal's Eagle Project
Please help me in assisting The Treehouse CAC of Montgomery County with their annual fundraiser, the Tour de Cookie. The Treehouse provides services to victims of child sexual and physical abuse and neglect. Their annual benefit helps them raise the funds they need to continue these crucial services.
How can the Scouts and Adults help?
On Saturday, May 6 at 6:00AM, meet me at
Johns Hopkins University Montgomery County Campus
9601 Medical Center Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
The Boy Scouts of Troop 1097 are crucial to making this event run smoothly. I will need Scouts on Saturday, May 6 from 6:00 am to help set up through 2pm and to help clean up after the event. I will also need the Scouts to assist in the children's zone with running games, and even dressing up as Cookie Monster!
I will need Scouts throughout the entire day. The times and amount of Scouts I need are below.
6:45am --> Banner setup and General setup
7:00am --> Traffic Direction (Older Scouts with younger scouts)
7:45am --> Cookie Monster's first appearance
Cookie Monster will also be appearing at other times throughout the day from 8-2
10:00am - 2:00pm --> Activity Area Art Contest
Bubble Section
Sidewalk Chalk
Water Bottle Flipping Contest Play-doh Contest
Moon Bounce
Art contest Clean Up
I am responsible for organizing the children’s activity area for the day and need your help to keep the kids busy while their parents are riding or visiting the expo. If you are willing to donate any of the items on this list, I can meet you to pick up the donations. If you prefer to mail them to me, send me an email listed below and I can PM my address.
- Water bottles
- Small bottles of bubbles
- Sidewalk chalk
- Paper for paper airplanes
- Face paint
- Temporary tattoos
- Jelly Belly jelly beans
- Playdoh
- 5-dollar gift cards for prizes
- Gift cards for Wal-Mart, Target, Michael's to purchase supplies art supplies (paper, crayons, construction paper)
- Art Supplies
I will cross items off the list as we get enough. Thank you for considering donating to this worthy cause.
Mark Carvajal