Troop 1097  Gaithersburg, Germantown & N. Potomac

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  • Memorial Day Weekend Goshen at 50 Camporee

Memorial Day Weekend Goshen at 50 Camporee

  • 27 May 2017
  • 1:00 PM
  • 29 May 2017
  • 11:00 AM
  • Camp Bowman-Goshen Reservation 340 Millard Burke Memorial Hwy, Goshen VA


  • Register directly on the BSA website

Any questions about signing up? Contact Sharon Nystrom.
Registration is closed

Camp Bowman-Goshen at 50 CAMPOREE
(May 27 - 29, 2017 Memorial Day Weekend)  


Memorial Day Weekend:  Friday evening, May 27th to Monday mid-day, May 29th 2017


A Camporee for all districts! Three nights of fun, and three days of activities:  shooting sports, aquatics, COPE, patrol competitions, handicrafts, an arena show, fireworks, and much more!


Webelos, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, Sea Scouts, Explorers, Cub Scouts & Scouting Families, Goshen Alumni & their families!


To honor the proud traditions and legacy of the Goshen experience as well as those individuals who contributed in the making of that legacy. And, above all else, to Experience a unique, fun-filled Scouting event not to be rivaled for another fifty years.

Cost: $35.00 through 4/16. $50 after 4/16. Registration closes 5/12/17. (Bring additional money for breakfast on the way down and lunch on the way back). 

Sign up here for a headcount. Register online for Camp Bowman and pay directly online here:

Permission Slip: Troop 1097 Blank Permission Slip.doc

Annual Health&Medical Form:

Where To Meet:  We'll meet at IWLA-R Chapter House 1:00pm Saturday 5/27/17.

Other Important Info


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