Troop 1097  Gaithersburg, Germantown & N. Potomac

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  • Seneca District Camporee

Seneca District Camporee

  • 13 Oct 2017
  • 5:00 PM
  • 15 Oct 2017
  • 1:00 PM
  • Camp Manidokan, 1600 Harpers Ferry Rd, Knoxville, MD 21758


Registration is closed

Theme: Mountain Man Rendezvous

Come to the Mountains! - This year we are back at Camp Manidokan on the side of a ridge of the beautiful Appalachian mountains. This year we will celebrate our location in the mountains.

Rocky Mountain Rendezvous (in trapper jargon) was an annual gathering (1825–1840) at various locations held by a fur trading company at which trappers and mountain men sold their furs and hides and replenished their supplies.

The rendezvous was a celebration with competitions.   James Beckwourth described it as "Mirth, songs, dancing, shouting, trading, running, jumping, singing, racing, target-shooting, yarns, frolic, with all sorts of extravagances that white men or Indians could invent".[1]   Sounds like a Boy Scout event to me!

Weekend organization

We will have lots of activities setup around the camp.  Go were you want, stay as long as you please - no schedule.  Just like last year. The activities will be open all day Saturday and again on Sunday morning. Big campfire Saturday night.


We will bring back old favorites and we are planning some new ones that will soon be favorites. The activities mix work on Scout skills, learning and games.  Yes, the Foosball field is returning.

Old favorites

 Foosball  Agility Trail  Knife Throwing  Giant sling shot
 Signals and Codes   Fire building - bow method
 Knots and Lashings
 Map and Compass  Scoutmaster "chuckwagon" Cookoff  Cooking  

Some of the new favorites 

Tomahawks Archery  Lumberjack Toss  Campsite Catastrophe
 Climbing Wall   Ax Carving  Fire Building - steel wool  Fire building - basic lay
 Mountain man costume competition  Blacksmithing    

We are also planning some period demonstrations to help us get into the theme.  Some ideas we are knocking around are: chainsaw carving, black powder, period costumes.

We will have a trading post run by the Scout Shop on Saturday.  

Don't forget a permission slip and make sure your health forms are current.

Troop 1097 Permission Slip.docx

For more information go to:

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