Troop 1097  Gaithersburg, Germantown & N. Potomac

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  • Drive-by/in Court of Honor, Family Picnic and Flag Ceremony

Drive-by/in Court of Honor, Family Picnic and Flag Ceremony

  • 25 Jun 2020
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • IWLA


  • Free for kids under 6
  • Free for kids under 6

Registration is closed

Troop 1097

CLASS A UNIFORMS ARE REQUIRED, SHIRTS TUCKED IN, NO BASKETBALL-STYLE SHORTS. This is a solemn ceremony and it is our duty to show the proper respect for the flag and our country.

Please do not arrive late.

Court of Honor and 

Flag Retirement Ceremony

Parents, the Court of Honor is a great evening to recognize our scouts for the hard work they've done this year!  Merit badges, rank advancements and special awards will be distributed.

Because our spring CoH coincides with flag day, we usually hold a flag retirement ceremony, then have a potluck, all prior to the CoH. This is not advisable currently.

In consultation with the SPL, we have arrived at the following plan for a no-contact, distant CoH.

* Families will stay together, either in their cars or in camp-chairs right next to their cars. No mingling.

* The event will be MC's as usual, but we will broadcast over zoom in addition, so people remaining in their cars will be able to hear.

* Scouts will come up when called with their families to pick up the award, which will be placed out in advance.

* We picked up the flags to be retired from the league, and each scout and a family member will respectfully retire one flag. The flag will be under each scout's award.

* The SPL, scoutmaster, and MC will be the only individuals remaining front and center throughout the ceremony.





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