CLICK HERE: 2011 Labor Day Parade Permission Slip
The City of Gaithersburg, MD 73rd annual Labor Day Parade is upon us and Troop 1097 needs your support to make the troop fundraiser a success for 2011.
Scouts, Leaders, Parents, Family and their Friends for the past nine/ten years have volunteered and provided marshalling, balloon and banner carrying and the passing out of programs before and during the City of Gaithersburg’s Labor Day parade to ensure it is enjoyed by all.
This year the Department of Parks and Recreation staff is requesting our Troop to provide the following volunteers.
10 Marshals - Senior/experience scouts, Leaders/Adults - Monitor the parade to maintain events/participants progress in an orderly and timely manner.**** Same format as last year will be utilized.****
8 Banner Carriers - Four groups of two to carry banners during the parade.
Passing out programs – Five or so volunteers to hand out programs prior to the parade start.
Leaders or Adults to assist with food, drinks, and meeting scouts at the end of the parade.
This is a fun event. School service hours are available. The majority of participants will be able to watch and enjoy the parade once their assignment is complete.
Uniform: Class A uniform
Equipment: Water and proper clothing such as hats, sun screen depending on weather conditions of the day.
Lunch will be served. This is a family as well as a friend event. The parade route is through Olde Towne in Gaithersburg, MD via East Diamond Dr. and Russell St.
P.S. Due to maintenance work on the street wires hot air balloons won’t be in the parade this year.
Labor Day Parade official website:City of Gaithersburg Labor Day Parade Information
I need you to do the following:
1. Notify me if you can or can’t participate.
2. Register for the event on the troop’s web site as soon as possible.
Turn in permission slips by the meeting of August 25,2011.
****Arrangements can be made for the turn in of permission slips after August 25,2011.
Notify me if you have a particular interest in a position as a volunteer.
Enjoy the rest of the Summer,
John H. Sickman
Asst. Scoutmaster Troop 1097
PH: 301-208-9124