Troop 1097  Gaithersburg, Germantown & N. Potomac

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  • Virtual campout #2

Virtual campout #2

  • 23 Jan 2021
  • 3:00 PM
  • 24 Jan 2021
  • 10:00 AM


Registration is closed

We hope that our first virtual campout is a blast! The zoom link is the same as for our troop meetings:

The agenda is:

3 PM: Opening

4 PM: Environmental Science outdoor requirement.

6 PM: Dinner / Campfire / 'smores

10 AM - 11 AM: Hike

Scouts should aim to camp with their family, or scouts with whom they are already forming a pod with.  This can be car camping, backpacking, back-yard camping, or even basement camping!

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