Troop 1097  Gaithersburg, Germantown & N. Potomac

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  • Seneca District Fall Camporee

Seneca District Fall Camporee

  • 04 Oct 2024
  • 5:30 PM
  • 06 Oct 2024
  • 10:00 AM
  • Walkersville Watershed Boy Scout Camp Gate #1 - Across from 9026 Chestnut Grove Rd, Frederick, MD 20701


Registration is closed

Seneca Fall Camporee

When: October 4-6, 2024
Theme: Mountain Man Rendezvous - Back to Basics
Where: Walkersville Watershed Boy Scout Camp, Frederick, MD
What: Skills, games, and fellowship in a Mountain Man setting

Walkersville Watershed Boy Scout Camp
Gate #1 - Across from
9026 Chestnut Grove Rd,
Frederick, MD  20701

List of stations (public link-2023)

Weekend schedule (public link-2023)

Facility Map (public link-2023)

About our theme

Come back to the mountains!

Rocky Mountain Rendezvous (in trapper jargon) was an annual gathering (1825-1840) at various locations held by a fur trading company at which trappers and mountain men sold their furs and hides and replenished their supplies.

The rendezvous was a celebration with competitions.  James Beckwourth described it as "Mirth, songs, dancing, shouting, trading, running, jumping, singing, racing, target-shooting, yarns, frolic, with all sorts of extravagances that white men or Indians could invent".  Sounds like a Scout event!

Event Organization

Camp for the weekend. We supply space for campsites, water, potties, and program. Each unit organizes their own food. Check-in is Friday evening, check-out is noon on Sunday. Activity stations are open all day Saturday and Sunday morning.  Stations are not "scheduled".  Go where you want, stay as long as you please. Camp fire Saturday night. There are a few special events that do have a schedule.  More on this below.


The full list of stations and the supplies you will want to bring (updated 2022)

Scheduled activities

Scoutmaster cook-off

Mountain man costume competition

Camp fire

Who's invited

All Scout BSA Troops, Webelos may attend as part of a Troop (registered as part of the troop.)

Forming Camporee Patrols

Scouts will attend stations with their Patrol. We suggest Patrols be limited in size to 6-8 members.  For example a Foosball team is 6 players.

Camping / Parking / First Aid etc.

Each unit will be assigned a campsite. Site size varies with unit size. All fires must be in the fire ring.

Units may keep one vehicle and one trailer in campsite.  The rest must be moved to an on-site parking area.  These parking restrictions will be enforced starting a 9:00 PM Friday night. No vehicles will be allowed to move in and around the campsites during stations.

Water is available near the headquarter's area.  Reference the map.

There will be porta-potties on site.

Post 742 will be back as the event First Aiders. They will be located in the headquarters area.

Registration and Fees

Registration is done in two parts - unit/campsite registration and attendee registration. Start by reserving a campsite (comes with 5 attendee registrations) and then add attendees to fit your unit.  An attendee is a youth or adult.

Note: With the change to our new site, attendance is now capped at 350 (including staff.)  As such - while we are asking for an estimated number to be attending - until those folks are paid for - the slot is not reserved.  So please plan accordingly as this is First Come, First Served.


This is a Scouting event. It is not appropriate to bring siblings to the event.

How to prepare

A great way to get "involved" in Camporee is to weave our theme into your meetings and outings leading up to the event. Here are some of the Scout skills that you will use at Camporee.  A complete list will be published soon.

Fire building
Knots and lashings
Bear bag hanging
Backpacking meal preparation
First aid
Map and compass
Water purification

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