Adult in Charge: John Bauer (john.m.bauer@gmail.com)
Cycling & Camping Permission Slip

A few final items for our 3/16 cycling trip:
1. I want to get a few spare inner tubes to have in case of serious flats. PLEASE SEND ME YOUR TIRE SIZE (look on the sidewall of the tire for a pair of numbers with an 'X' in the middle, like: "26x1")
2. Plan:
7:30 AM: Meet at IWLA (have breakfast before you arrive). We will put the bikes on a trailer and drive to the C&O canal tow path at Antietam.
An out-and-back look in the morning (north), eat lunch and an out-and-back loop (south) in the afternoon.
4:30: Pack up and leave Antietam
We will stop for dinner on the way home - each scout will have $10 to spend.
6:00 - 7:00 PM: Arrive at IWLA (will call when we're on our way)
3. Gear:
- Bike (make sure it's ready for a day-long ride)
- Helmet
- Back Pack w/ padded straps
- Water Bottle
- Rain Jacket
- Layers for warmth (maybe gloves)
We've recalculated the total due for the trip now that we're not camping (but stopping for dinner). It includes lunch, snacks and dinner - $18. If you've already paid, you will receive a refund.
Finally, if any adults would be willing to ride with us, we would appreciate the help.
meeting: Cycling First Aid, Clean/Adjust and Flat Tire repair requirements
meeting: Menu planning - Sign up Closes
Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner - Breakfast (Budget = $19)
3/9 (Saturday): informal short ride/road test requirement
3/14 meeting: Gear Check
3/16 – 3/17: Ride & Campout.